Our intelligent data system is helping thousands of professionals access a whole lot of knowledge about Australian businesses.
Our data sources give you access to the best data the market can offer. We monitor publicly available information across millions of corporate websites, news feeds, social media platforms, job postings, and company registries to confirm business information and add an additional layer of accuracy.
We monitor the digital infrastructure of companies using proprietary machine learning models. We then cross-reference with other data sources to give insight into additional data points directly related to both company and people data, all of which is readily available.
We have formed strategic partnerships with premium-grade providers. This allows us to provide users with highly accurate supporting data.
We love data at KnowFirst™. But we also know reliable data can be difficult to find without spending hours researching multiple websites. Our intelligent data system is helping thousands of professionals access a whole lot of knowledge about Australian businesses. And when it comes to winning in business, knowledge truly is power.
Customers trust KnowFirst™, with our data being the most reliable and accurate available.
Our research team ensures the data we source meets our stringent quality standards, with the team continuously auditing company and people profiles.
Our platform performs millions of daily database updates, updating company profiles and alerting subscribers in real time.